Hello and good to see you back for another week of the One Room Challenge here at Living in a Fixer Upper! It’s been better progress this week stripping the wallpaper, though it is still a very stubborn glue and going so slowly.
This is where I was at the end of last week with stripping wallpaper:
But look! With the new steamer in-hand, I finally got the entire room …er…WALL…stripped of wallpaper! *sarcastic jazz hands*
I know, I know…”that seems like terrible progress!”. Trust me when I say that it’s ROUGH going and frustrating to be only this far. This wall was a lot of work and my shoulders and back will vouch for me, hehe. Doing a rough estimate, it’s taken me nearly 50 hours to do this single wall.
At best, it truly seems that it might be one wall per week at my current rate…which means that unless the other walls miraculously come off easier, I’ll be doing the wallpaper stripping until week 6 of the ORC!
That’s terrible to have to type out!
I’ve been joking over this past week that we will find out at the end of this One Room Challenge about who is more stubborn: me or the wallpaper. ;)
I’m so glad we have eight weeks! It’ll still be a race at the end to get all the other things done in the last two weeks! Just thinking of all the things that may have to happen in only the final two weeks makes my eyes glaze over a bit: primer, moldings, caulking, paint, ceiling medallion, chandelier and sconce, STENCILING, curtains…aacckk!
However dire the wallpaper stripping saga is becoming, progress has been made in other areas this past week! Most of it has involved spending money on the things needed for her room makeover so that they’ll (hopefully) all be here when I need them.
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This week’s ORC accomplishments:
Stripped Wallpaper: one wall down!
Antique brass canopy for the chandelier: the chandelier did not come with a canopy, so I’ve had to find and order an antique reproduction as well as a few other parts for hanging it when the time comes. This past week my hubby and I shared a little test on Instagram to see how the chandelier would look when hung in her room, and there were a few squeals from myself and Miss E. So pretty!
Ceiling medallion: It’ll be the middle of June before I see this baby in-person. Yikes. Let’s hope it works out!
Picked up my BM 511 Primer and BM Atmospheric AF-500 paint! Woohoo! I’m so tempted to open the can of her wall paint color but…must resist until it’s time! It’ll feel SO GOOD to get this color on her walls!
Green Velvet Curtains: Yup. I ultimately decided on green! Currently the curtains I want are still out of stock. Boo. They did say that they should be restocking them at the end of this month. Crossing fingers over here that they do come in soon and that they arrive not long after I get to order them!
White Noise: Last but not least, I went through hours of comparing white noise makers and finally settled on a white noise machine by Letsfit. This will replace the large standing fan we’ve had in her room since she was a baby. It’ll be a much-needed visual improvement to the room when it comes!
That’s it for this week! If you have any suggestions on what you’re interested in learning more about, such as the budget for the room, or breaking down a project like this into tasks, or whatever, let me know and I’ll talk about those these next 2-3 weeks as I doubt y’all will want to see another post about stripping wallpaper. ;)
If you’re on Instagram, follow me @livinginafixerupper to watch my progress in my “ORC Girl Bedroom” highlights and Stories! I’m sharing a lot more “behind the scenes” for the One Room Challenge there!
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7
Recent follower – don’t remember where or when I found you. I feel your pain, but of course not as much as you feel it. Wallpaper – can’t believe it’s coming back but at least nowadays it’s “removable”. Don’t know how much I would trust that – just like planting wisteria – never again. Good luck.
Hello, Barbara! Thanks for the commiseration and encouragement! Glad to have you here! One can only hope that the “removable” wallpaper of today is actually so, tho I’m not holding my breath either, hehe. ;)