Hi all! Unless you’ve been following our family on Instagram, long time no see! I have a good reason. ;) Our healthy lil baby girl was born in our home a little over a month ago at the end of August, weighing 6 lbs. 5 oz. She has blue eyes and the most beautiful auburn […]
Master Bedroom Renovation Challenge: [Stage 9] Matching Antique Baseboards & Door Trim
Woo boy, have we been busy! So busy that I haven’t even been able to sit down and catch y’all up on how things are going in the master bedroom/closet in a little while! The reality is that we actually moved into our master bedroom/closet nearly two weeks ago! I can’t tell you how wonderful […]
Master Bedroom Renovation: Design Board
So much change has happened in our master bedroom these last few months! We started with a medium-sized room with a built-in closet, orange walls, and old red carpeting. It’s been a few months of working nights and weekends, but now we have a fresh coat of white paint on the walls, dark hardwood floors, […]
Master Bedroom Renovation Challenge: [Stage 8] Floor Staining & A Quest for Wall Sconces
Catch up on the renovation progress! Master Plans / Stage 1 / Stage 2-3 / Stage 4 / Stage 6 / Stage 7 / Stage 9 …When we last left our hero, Karl, he was floor-sanding the night away to finish before a deadline set by the floor stainers. Did he make it? Yes. Barely. As in 3am, mere hours before having to return the sander […]
Master Bedroom Renovation Challenge: [Stage 7] Threshold, Floor Sanding
Floor sanding today! Catch up on the renovation progress below! Master Plans / Stage 1 / Stage 2-3 / Stage 4 / Stage 5 / Stage 6 / Stage 8 / Stage 9 Dudes, what a week it’s been! I’ve been away staying with family until the dust literally settled with all the floor sanding and staining that’s been going on. I’m home at […]