You’ve probably noticed on past posts and our ‘about’ page that we refer to our home as an American Foursquare (jump over here for a quick tour). Being the nerd that I am and the fact many of you wonderful peeps are old-house lovers as well, I thought it’d be fun to go a bit […]
Officially Wallpaper Glue Free! [Dining Room Progress]
We’ve hit another milestone in our restoration of the dining room! Remember those awful 4 layers of wallpaper we had to scrape away and send back to the abyss whence it came? …and then being left with walls of wallpaper glue to wipe off? (learn the method we found worked) Well, if this were a […]
Living Room Design Inspiration – White Walls
In our ever ongoing grey-color painting failures in the living room (first purple, now blue), I’ve been going “back to the drawing board” and revisiting what I’m picturing for our living room. Ultimately, I’ve been drawn back to my Pinterest living room board, and as I’ve looked through what I pinned over the years, the […]
Painted Living Room – It’s Not Supposed to be Blue Either
I was hoping we’d have more progress made in our living room since failing for the second time with a paint color, but alas, it is not so (obviously). Thus, up this post goes, and here’s hoping that it’s three times the charm…meanwhile I’ll go bury myself into a good Korean variety show to mellow […]
Snowmageddon 2016 – First Blizzard in Our New (Old) Home
All last week we were hearing and seeing reports about an upcoming blizzard. I must admit, I didn’t believe any of the forecasters when they said “this is the big one”. Compared to a lot of other states, PA’s local forecasters are notoriously terrible with predictions. I’ve seen these “monstrous storms” move to our south, […]