Hate folding laundry like I do? This is a technique for organizing your bed sheets that I learned from Karl soon after we got married, and is something I wish I had known of sooner! It happened one day as he was with me as I attempted the task of folding clean bed sheets to […]
Dairy-Free Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas
Rejoice oh ye who are lactose intolerant, I have found how to beat the non-dairy pit of despair! For about the past 6 weeks or so now, I have been testing how I do on Cabot’s non-lactose cheese. I was first told of them thru a friend’s post about it on Facebook, and naturally I […]
Coming Soon!
Hi all – it’s been a crazy few weeks with sicknesses and storms and all sorts of fun stuff, but I’m back now and I’ll be posting new entries again starting the beginning of next week! I’ll be continuing my mini-series on non-toxic alternatives to things we use everyday, including my recent hair color change […]
Meatloaf Cupcakes with Celeric Root Frosting
This is a fun recipe to turn every-day meatloaf into something that makes everyone feel like they’re having treats. What makes this recipe especially neat is the “icing”. If you’re able to eat potatoes, you can blend some for the icing. If you’re like me though with a nightshades allergy (potatoes, peppers, tomatoes), you’ve probably […]
Getting on my Soapbox: Non-toxic Soap
Following up to this entry from the other day, here’s the start to a mini-series of non-toxic alternatives to things you use everyday. I’ve been on a long road to get here, and I’m still learning and experimenting. It’s gotten easier to find good-for-you products in the last few years with awareness growing about the […]