For many of us with autoimmune disorders and food allergies, the holidays can be a tough time. Gatherings with friends and family are centered around food, and lots of it. I believe we all share in a sort of quest to make food that we can not only eat, but doesn’t make us miss what […]
D’Anjou Red Pear Pie
Since T-giving, I seem to be getting my inspiration back again for making food and have been cooking and baking a few new recipes in the kitchen this past week. It feels so good to be back! I’ve been experimenting with an allergy free bread, learning how to soak and roast cashews, making a beef […]
Beef & Celeric Root Soup (Potato Substitute)
It’s soup season! I love me some soup on these chillier evenings, the aroma wafting through the house, and the ease at which one can create a feast without hovering over a stove. One thing however that I have had to forgo in soups were any hearty potatoes (nightshade allergy), which made my Irish heart […]
Dairy-Free Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas
Rejoice oh ye who are lactose intolerant, I have found how to beat the non-dairy pit of despair! For about the past 6 weeks or so now, I have been testing how I do on Cabot’s non-lactose cheese. I was first told of them thru a friend’s post about it on Facebook, and naturally I […]
Meatloaf Cupcakes with Celeric Root Frosting
This is a fun recipe to turn every-day meatloaf into something that makes everyone feel like they’re having treats. What makes this recipe especially neat is the “icing”. If you’re able to eat potatoes, you can blend some for the icing. If you’re like me though with a nightshades allergy (potatoes, peppers, tomatoes), you’ve probably […]