It’s springtime! …right? Right. I’m not convinced either. There was a snow squaw this morning as though winter wanted to spite spring. To spite winter weather right back, I decided to make sorbet. I first learned about “sorbet” a few years ago when we were on a Carnival cruise with my sister-in-law and her hubby […]
Soft Peanut Butter Cookies (GF/DF & egg free)
I haven’t done a recipe in awhile! This one has been on my to-do list of recipe experiments, as I love peanut butter. I’m talking about love as in I sit on the couch and eat it out of the jar like ice cream. Oh, and did I mention we don’t get ours in jars, but tubs? […]
Fluffy GF/DF Pancakes
You may remember when I made my first recipe for fluffy pancakes this past June. Though it works, I wanted to have a mix that didn’t even need a milk substitute (gets expensive) and still tasted great. Being that Bisquix was part of what my family used for our pancakes while growing up, I decided […]
Christmas Treats: Russian Tea Cakes (Gluten & Dairy free)
Sorry for being away awhile! Karl and I were both stuck at home with bad colds all last week (boo). Now that we’re no longer carrying tissue boxes from room to room with us, it’s time for some Christmas spirit, and with that…Christmas cookies! My favorite cookies are by far Russian Tea Cakes – they’re […]
No Knead Gluten Free Bread
I’m baaaaaack. Last week was the usual craziness-before-a-holiday that we can expect, and then I got sick with a fever and headcold on T-giving Day (what we all wish for, right?). So, blogging took a back burner. However, I was feeling a bit better by this past Saturday, though I must have still been a […]